
Monday, June 17, 2013

The End

Dear Imaginary Readers,

I am not delusional enough to think that anyone actually reads this blog regularly. However, if there is someone, I do apologize. That being said, I think it is time to bring The Unseelie Realm to a close. I will leave it up in case I decide to return--really though if anyone actually reads this blog leave me a comment or something so I know that you exist and/or are alive. Never fear, my blogging career has not completely ended. If you feel so inclined you can find my writing alive and well on the blog I am co-writing with Irritating Paramour. Here's the website: so feel free to follow us! Nevertheless, I do warn you that Chromatic Aberration Everywhere is almost entirely different from The Unseelie Realm and therefore my writing style is drastically different as well. I'm much nicer there ;)! I wish you all the best and hope that you continue your pursuits into the fantasy and paranormal genres.

Snails and Puppydog Tails,

Adriana Ivy

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